get paid to
grow your list

Discover How To Generate High Quality Leads For Your Business 
Without Giving Your Stuff Away For Free

Ready To Generate New Prospects For Your List & Get Paid In The Process?


You've probably been told (more than once) that to grow a list of potential customers for your online business you need to be consistently giving away lots of value for free;  but, continually generating new prospects for your list can take a lots of time and effort, and if you feel like you're always giving without receiving it can feel a bit off, so why not experiment with getting paid in the process?

I'm sure that you've happily paid to attend a workshop, a networking event, or to learn new skills, so charging a small amount for content that you would normally be providing for free is a simple strategy for building your list in a way that is immediately profitable.

you really don't have to give everything away for free!

In fact, while most people believe there is an investment cost to generating new leads, you could actually be getting paid for generating yours - errr yes please!

what's included?

During this 1hr session I will guide you from continually creating content for free to incorporating a suite of high value, but low cost, micro products into your business assets.  

We'll talk through which topics work best, how to position your products so that they are a "no brainer", and how low cost offers sold at volume have the potential to provide an annual income in their own right! 

learn how to build an engaged list of your ideal clients

find out how to fill your list with buyers not freebie hunters

discover how to get your list building efforts to pay for themselves

access the exact steps to implement this strategy in your business today

Get Paid To Grow Your List


 I've earned £500 from my VIP tutorials, and $840 from my online phone course since I started them both and I haven't even promoted them yet!

It's all brand new income, and very motivating to tot it all up. Loving all your support Becs.

Jane Burkinshaw
Love Your Lens

Hey I'm Becs...


your resident online business strategist and membership mentor.

Since 2009 I've had the joy of guiding freedom focused folk to move away from trading their time for money and turn their knowledge and expertise into recurring revenue.

Let me show you how to put this very simple strategy to work so that in less than a day you can start getting paid to generate high quality leads for your business!

Continually generating new prospects for your list can take a lots of time and effort. If you feel like you're always giving without receiving it can feel a bit off, so why not experiment with getting paid in the process?